№2, 2020

Masuma H. Mammadova, Zarifa G. Jabrayilova

The article provides a brief overview of telemedicine, one of the main areas of e-medicine, and its importance for people, medical staff and the health system as a whole in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights that the opportunities of telemedicine to render remote medical care makes it a irreplaceable tool for providing necessary information, medical advice, assistance and support to patients in emergencies and epidemics. The article also analyzes the new applications of tele-medicine in the context of the COVID-19. It presents new and practical medical applications in the integration of IoT and artificial intelligence with telemedicine. The article shows the efforts and new decisions of a number of countries to realize the potential of telemedicine, as well as potential obstacles in this field. The state of the art of telemedicine in Azerbaijan, its development, and a number of applications are described, the systems created to keep people informed and to provide medical support during the new coronavirus COVID-19 are shown. Given the importance of telemedicine not only in epidemic conditions, but also in usual conditions to improve the quality of medical services, increase their accessibility and reduce costs, the article emphasizes the need to take appropriate measures to expand the application of this technology in our country in accordance with the international practice and calls of WHO (pp.23-38).

Keywords:e-medicine, telemedicine, COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, remote medical aid, remote consultation.
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