№2, 2021

Rasmiya Sh. Mahmudova, Konul G. Dashdamirova

Today, a large part of the population is integrated into the virtual environment using information and communication technologies and becomes a citizen of the information society.

The growing role of information resources and technologies in society demonstrates the necessity to protect the interests of person, society, state, and ensure information security in the information society. This paper analyzes the threats affecting the interests of the individual, society and the government in the information society, the basic principles of information security, and the methods of ensuring information security. The experience of foreign countries in the field of information security was studied, the researches performed in the field of legal provision of information security in Azerbaijan and the scientific-theoretical research were investigated. Research methods such as comparative analysis, monitoring, classification were used in the research. Preliminary results of the study are useful for broader study of information security issues in the information society environment and can be used as a source by researchers investigating information security problems (pp.83-94).

Keywords:information society, information security, cyber security, social engineering, phishing, information war.
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