№2, 2015

Yadigar N. Imamverdiyev

Conflicts between countries are transferred into cyberspace, and operations in the virtual space in peacetime and wartime require a special type of troops: cyber-troops. To provide information security, in some countries there are cyber-troops or plans to develop cyber-troops in the coming years. This paper studies the problem of forming cyber-troops. The main aspects of forming cyber-troops, the tasks and functions of cyber-troops, the structural and organizational models of a cyber command, the arsenal of weapons and human resources of cyber-troops are considered, and the experiences of developed countries in this field are analyzed. Problems with coordinating the activities of cyber-troops and other public organizations involved in cyber security and issues of international cooperation are also discussed (pp. 13-21).

Keywords:information warfare; cyberwar; cyber defense; cybertroops; cyber weapons; Cyber Command.
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