№2, 2015

Alovsat G. Aliyev, Roza O. Shahverdiyeva

This article reviews the activity of innovative technoparks, which have a prominent role in the formation of a modern economy. The best practices used to develop techno parks in ad-vanced countries are generalised based on comparisons. The structure of scientific and technological parks operating in developed countries is explored based on different sources. The activity of international and regional institutions connecting and regulating the functioning of technoparks is analysed, and the structures that promote the development of technoparks is explained. The problems of location selection and property relations are analysed as the main factors in technopark management. A general analysis of management parameters pertaining to all technoparks is conducted, and several recommendations are made (pp.50-60).                                                          

Keywords:innovative technoparks, special economic zones, industrial clusters, science and technology parks, university technopark, business incubator.
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