№1, 2020
The essence and different approaches to the national security are explored in the article. The article interprets the duties and provision methods of the national security. Different areas and vital interests that are the objects of the national security are classified. According to this classification, the components of the national security, such as socio-political security, military security, information security, food security, energy security, education system security, scientific and technological security, health system security, transport system security, environmental security, Mass Media security, and cultural-moral security are differentiated. The development of ICT, the growing role and responsibilities of the information society in the national security system in connection with the formation of information security are described. The article also analyzes the relationship between the information security and other components of the national security. Application areas of ICT in each national security component and information security threats are identified. Their solution ways are described. The article uses analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization and systematic approach. The results obtained in the article can be used for the development of new security concepts, strategies and other regulatory documents for the national security in the context of the information society (pp.3-25).
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