№1, 2020
A complex analysis of the modern period shows that there are some contradictions in the dynamics of the development of society and economy and its assessment. These contradictions require focusing on more important areas of the life of society. The presented work also analyzes the inclusiveness features of economic development, evaluates its formation level and studies the methodological problems of its growth. The article explains the importance and features of the comprehensive development of the society and economy in the context of new trends and its development areas. The need for a new look at the scientific and theoretical basis of economic development for its evaluation is justified. In this regard, existing studies on the inclusive development are analyzed. A system of multi-level indicators and sub-indices characterizing the inclusive development of society is proposed. Based on a complex approach to the indicator system, the statistical information available at the micro level, as well as the indicators that are indirectly included in the reports are added. The evaluation issues of the formation level of an inclusive society and economy at the national and international levels are viewed. Attention was paid to the formation of a national inclusive development index and an international assessment of inclusive development in Azerbaijan. As a result of the research, the methodological basis for the evaluation of the level of inclusiveness is explained and a methodology is developed. Using this method, which significantly differs in terms of coverage from the internationally recommended methodologies, the level of inclusiveness of the society and economy can be calculated more efficiently. The factors affecting the increase of inclusiveness level of the economic development are stated, and some recommendations are put forward. Taking these recommendations into account can lead to the development of the country's economy (pp.46-63).
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