№1, 2020

Rena T. Gasimova, Yedgar M. Jafarov

The article analyzes existing problems and status of the domain names in the internet using Azerbaijani scripts. The registration process for the internationalized domain name (IDN) is explored. At the same time, existing problems complicating the process of registration and compilation of the national domain names in the field of IDN are analyzed. It is found out that it is necessary to develop a system for using the national domain names in the Azerbaijani language to create domain names with the national scripts, solve technical problems, improve the process of the domain names registering and create a standard transliteration converter. It also analyzes the problems associated with the correspondence of the scripts used in Azerbaijan, the internal laws on the language, international standards and rules for the registration and compilation of domain names. The article also provides a number of recommendations and suggestions for solving these problems. This article can be used for the implementation of activities to create the national domains in Azerbaijan and other Turkic-speaking countries. This review article mainly uses the descriptive method (pp.64-74).

Keywords:domain names, top-level domain, ICANN, IDN, DNS, Internet of Things.
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