№1, 2020
One of the most important issues in the library-information environment is the selection of the Library Management System (LMS) which provides the needs of librarians and readers. This article outlines the international LMSs used in e-libraries. In addition, the LMSs are evaluated in the areas they are applied. The opportunities and disadvantages of the LMSs manufactured by different countries, such as Alephino, Destiny, Millenium, IRBIS-64, Virtua, Alexandria, ResourceMate, Mandarin, including the LMSs used in the electronic libraries operating in Azerbaijan are analyzed. The standard MARC-21 and the protocols SIP2, Z39.50 and their capabilities are also examined. Recommendations for better organization of library work and improvement of LMS are proposed. The article explores problems and capabilities of LMS using system approach and system analysis methods. The article can be used by any scientific institution or organization that needs to apply one or another LMS in the electronic library (pp.128-133).
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- Library Automation Software, http://capterra.com/library-automation-software/
- Alephino 4.0., ex-lh.hu/site/index.php/en/alephino-4-eng
- Alexandria Library Software, http://goalexandria.com/
- Library Management System, http://follettlearning.com/technology/products/ library-management-system
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- Web-based, accessible and customized software for your library, http://www.mlasolutions.com/products/m5