№2, 2020
Abstarct. The article discusses the vast strategic importance of ICT sector’s perspective development during the times of global economic crisis occurring over the past years, as well as with the coronavirus pandemic, which has paralyzed the global economy and real governance system, service sectors and social life of society since the beginning of 2020. The problems of formation and the current state of the ICT sector, which is the main basis for the effective structuring of the emerging economy, have been comprehensively analyzed. Particular importance of studying and assessing the potential of prospective development and developing relevant indicators and criteria for this area, was noted. Goals and objectives on researches in ICT field were noted. The role and place of the ICT sector in the structure of the economy of Azerbaijan was analized. the dynamics of the production of products / services in the ICT sector, the import of ICT products and exported-imported products were analyzed in accordance with the diagrams. The problems of infrastructural and institutional formation of the ICT sector were studied. Suggestions and recommendations were made on indicators and criteria for innovative directions of capacity building in the ICT sector (pp.51-64).
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