№1, 2021
The article is devoted to some of the features of the formation and development of an intellectual society and economy based on ICT, information, knowledge and technology. The necessity and urgency of the creation and development of a new society and economy are substantiated. The paper explains the general directions of post-industrial theories, information, knowledge and post-industrial economics. The intellectual factor in the post-knowledge economy, the main distinctive features of the knowledge economy and the post-knowledge economy are shown. In the form of a conceptual model, the basic features and principles of the development of the intellectual economy are schematically proposed. The institutional factors and the main problems of the formation of the intellectual economy are clarified. The general directions and characteristics of the development of indicators for the formation and level of development of the intellectual economy are determined. Certain proposals and recommendations are made taking into account some modern trends in the development of the intellectual society and economy. The article uses a systematic approach to identifying the problems of an intellectual society and economic development in accordance with the trends of international economic development, the challenges of Industry 4.0 revolution. The methods of statistical analysis are applied here, the requirements of modern ICT technologies are taken into account. Recommendations based on the analysis of the peculiarities of the formation and development problems of ICT-based intellectual society and economy can contribute to the effective organization of the new economy. Taking into account the proposed conceptual model of the formation of the modern economy and the stages of further development can create additional opportunities for decision-making in the new economic management (pp.43-55).
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