№1, 2022
The article examines the digitalization of law communication as the most important feature of the development of the law reality of the information society. On the basis of the discursive-communicative methodology, the communicative nature of virtual reality and the role of law means in ensuring conflict-free interaction of its subjects are analyzed. It is concluded that the manifestation of digitalization of law reality is the construction of cyber law, which simultaneously acts as a form of virtual law discourse and an institution of digital law. Cyber law is a set of rules conventionally formed in the process of law communication that regulate relations between two or more persons regarding virtual property and personal non-property benefits. The construction of cyber law is carried out in the process of law communication and is a conventional result of interaction that ensures conflict-free coexistence of virtual communities based on value orientations. The polyphonic nature of virtual law communication determines that cyber law is a fragmented set of relatively independent normative arrays of separate virtual communities that have only minimally common features that can be designated as the principles of cyber law (anonymity, conventionality, inviolability of private property, publicity) (pp.35-41).
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