№1, 2023
The article studies the essence of artificial intelligence from the standpoint of the jurisprudence. Based on the discursive-communicative methodology, it analyzes the ontological aspects of the development and functioning of artificial intelligence in modern law reality. It is concluded that artificial intelligence has a dichotomous law nature. On the one hand, as a tool for working with information, it has the features of an object of law. On the other hand, it itself produces information and participates in communication, in terms of its qualities approaching the subject of law. This implies a reassessment of the law system as a whole due to the possibility of the formation of norms by artificial intelligence itself. The legal definition of artificial intelligence at the moment is intended to construct the appropriate relationship and requires further clarification. We propose to introduce a new category of subjects of law, which can be called a “cyber-face” and which will refer specifically to artificial intelligence, as opposed to the concept of “digital person” used to designate a human (individual) as a subject of law in virtual reality (pp.3-13).
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