№1, 2023

Makrufa Sh. Hajirahimova, Marziya I. Ismayilova

Intellectual potential is the main resource for development and transformation of society. Assessment of intellectual potential is considered as an important factor in increasing the efficiency of the national economy at the modern stage development of the society of information and knowledge economy. This study is dedicated to the analysis of the existing system of indicators used for the assessment of intellectual potential. The main goal of the work is to study the international experience in the field of intellectual potential assessment and the main indicators of intellectual potential measurement. The article examines the main components of intellectual potential (scientific-technical, innovation, educational and cultural potential) and assessment levels (micro, meso and macro). It analyzes the system of indicators offered by several researchers, developed countries and international organizations for the assessment of intellectual potential. It also interprets the intellectual potential assessment indicators of the of higher educational institutions and informs about the international rating systems used for the world universities ranking. Finally, it highlights the indicators system for the assessment of intellectual potential in Azerbaijan and provides recommendations (pp.53-65).

Keywords:Human resources, Intellectual capital, Intellectual potential, Assessment of intellectual potential, Indicator, System of indicators
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