№2, 2023

Firudin T. Aghayev, Gulara A. Mammadova, Esmira R. Alasgarova

Many experts and scientists focus on cloud computing, mobile Internet technologies, and the rapid development of the Internet of Things in the field of e-learning which caused innovation and revolution. The development of the capabilities of cloud technologies has been applied to solve problems in various fields of human activity, including the educational process. Cloud technologies enable students to actively participate in the preparation of educational content, modify learning methods, increase access to information resources (external memory, applications, educational materials, etc.). Clouds unify physical or virtualized resources in data centers and require less software and hardware. 
The goal of this research is to expand and use the possibilities of applying cloud technologies in the teaching process in higher education institutions. As a result of the conducted research, we determine didactic and information opportunities by using cloud services in the educational process. This article reviews scientific research conducted in the field of data mining and cloud technologies in the formation of educational content during the last decade. Moreover, the methods of solving educational content management problems are proposed using data mining methods (pp.75-82).

Keywords:E-learning, Cloud technology, Educational content formation, Requirements, Data mining techniques, Software

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