№1, 2024

Gulnar N. Pashayeva

The article highlights the results of studies on the emergence history and formation of informatics in Azerbaijan, and chronologically interprets the development stages of informatics. It comparatively analyzes the evolution of the fields of informatics, computer science and information and communication technology in Azerbaijan during the Soviet Union period and independence years based on archival documents. Studies are conducted on the activities of the Azerbaijani scientists who played a significant role in the emergence and development of informatics in Azerbaijan, and their central scientific achievements are presented. The measures implemented for the establishment of the national network infrastructure of the Internet in Azerbaijan and the manufacture of national products in the field of ICT are reviewed. Computer generations in Azerbaijan, state policy in the field of informatics, measures implemented for the development and application of modern technologies, personnel training in this field, leading scientific schools, higher educational institutions, as well as the provision of information sovereignty in Azerbaijan and the implementation of the IV Industrial Revolution are explored, some statistical indicators on the development of information technology are presented. The main goal of conducting the research is to comprehensively examine the history of the establishment and development of informatics in Azerbaijan, to obtain complete scientific knowledge about the role of informatics in the development of society and the country (pp.72-85).

Keywords:ICT, Informatics, History, Computing technology, Internet, Computer science
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