№2, 2024

Mohammad Ali ALQudah, Leyla Muradkhanli

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the global and continental positions of e-government models in countries such as Jordan by analysing their experiences. The evaluation of the progress of e-government is carried out using a multi-practice methodology, which incorporates a variety of different procedures and techniques. The performance of Jordan is evaluated using the united nations e-government maturity index, which is comprised of the telecommunication infrastructure index, the human capital index, and the online service index. These indexes are used to compare Jordan’s performance from 2008 to 2015. The purpose of this research is to improve the capabilities of e-government by utilising previous experiences, addressing deficiencies, and making the most of potential. In addition to this, the study investigates the influence that artificial intelligence has on the confidence of users and the quality of government services that are delivered through online platforms. Specifically, the report underlines the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of adopting and utilising artificial intelligence, as well as the potential of tools and solutions that are driven by artificial intelligence (pp.30-42).

Keywords:Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, E-government, Telecommunication infrastructure index, Human capital index, Online service index, E-government development index

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