№2, 2024

Rasmiyya Mahmudova

Smart socio-technological infrastructure is a new approach to the design and creation of complex systems, based on the integration of technological and social elements. Currently, smart socio-technological infrastructures are applied in all spheres of life, from business and industry to healthcare and medical facilities. The implementation of these infrastructures creates new opportunities for the development of various fields. However, it causes a number of problems. The reasons for new information security problems arising from the characteristics of smart socio-technological infrastructures may include the increase in the number of devices (the number of devices interacting with each other increases, which expands the potential attack plane), the complexity of integration (the integration of social and technological components leads to the creation of new vulnerabilities), data heterogeneity (where the processing and storage of various types of information, including confidential information, make them an attractive target for cybercriminals), the dynamism of the environment (smart socio-technological infrastructures are constantly evolving and adapting, which makes it difficult to ensure their security). This article examines information security problems of smart socio-technological infrastructures. New threats arising from the introduction of these infrastructures are classified. The development of information security culture is justified as one of the main factors of combating these threats, and recommendations are given on the principles and methods of its formation (pp.49-60). 

Keywords:Socio-technical infrastrukture, Smart city, Cybersecurity problems, Smart infrastructure, Smart sitizen, Information security culture, Human factor

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