№2, 2024

Sabina Izzatli

This paper analyzes one of the elements of the digital content-hyperlink issue in digital journalism. Firstly, the main definition of hyperlinks is given. Then hypertext content on several local news websites is analyzed and hyperlink usage in local news websites in Azerbaijan is described through empirical study. A study of the top 5 local news websites shows that hyperlink usage is not so widespread among tested websites. Moreover, the main issue here is data even how wrong can be hyperlinks used. For example, most of the time we can go just to the same page, or to the homepage of the current website by clicking on the hyperlink. This is meaningless, and not an ethical approach to the audience as well. In addition, the article attempts to interpret an online academic survey conducted among local news website journalists to know their hypertext habits, skills, understandings, and so on. Results show that general awareness of hyperlink usage exists among the survey participants, and they mainly use this technique to refer to external sources, or just to give background information (pp.82-87).

Keywords:New media journalism, Hyperlinks, Hypertextuality, Digital news Interactive content, Content analysis

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