№1, 2025

Ismail Ismailov

The safety of civil aviation is the main goal of the International Civil Aviation Organization. It has long been known that most aviation accidents and incidents are due to suboptimal human performance. The negative influence of the human factor usually manifests itself when the crew approaches the limit of psychophysiological capabilities in the decision-making process. Therefore, any advance in the field of human factors research, including modeling of pilot performance under various modeling approaches, can have a significant impact on improving flight safety. With the advancement of aircraft automation and information technology, pilots must process more and more information during flight. They often have to process information on multiple tasks at once, and in such cases, mental workload tends to become an issue. Mental workload typically arises from tasks that require less physical effort but greater demands on the operator's cognition, thinking, and judgment. The simultaneous occurrence of information on several tasks leads to high mental load. Therefore, assessing pilots' mental workload during multitasking is of theoretical and practical importance. Based on the above, in the article, based on review studies using various methods for constructing a theoretical model of a pilot’s mental load, methods and approaches for constructing a model of a pilot’s mental load are reviewed and analyzed. The principles of constructing models using theories of information, automatic control and queuing are given (pp.3-11).

Keywords:Flight navigation complex, Aircraft control systems, Man-machine system, Human factor in aviation, Pilot activity modeling, Information theory, Queuing theory, Automatic control theory
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