№1, 2025

Mutaz Mohammed Abuhashish, Leyla Muradkhanli, Mohammad Ali AL Qudah

Augmented Reality (AR) apps have become a powerful tool for enriching educational experiences. AR may boost student engagement and personalize the learning experience by superimposing digital information onto the actual environment, therefore bringing abstract ideas to life. Nevertheless, conducting a precise assessment of the influence of AR on student learning and determining its significance in educational curricula requires a methodical methodology. This study examines several ways for evaluating the efficacy of AR Applications in education, including both quantitative and qualitative approaches. We evaluate essential metrics, known as key performance indicators (KPIs), including engagement, learning gains, motivation, and information retention. Additionally, we assess user experience, contentment, and perceived efficacy. Furthermore, the study explores current developments in the assessment of AR, such as the use of learning analytics and educational data mining. Through the examination of various techniques, our objective is to provide a thorough framework for assessing the significance of AR Applications in enhancing educational curricula and optimizing their influence on student learning (pp.34-42).

Keywords:Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Measurement, Key Performance Indicators, Learning Analytics, Educational data mining
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