№1, 2014

Behnam B. Bazli, David Llewellyn-Jones, Madjid M. Merabti

Traditional client-server arrangements within centralized systems using low-level protocols have now been replaced by mobile hosts and dynamic protocols over ubiquitous decentralized systems. Rising costs of data traffic and the need for efficient communication and improved management of systems has created a pressure to roll-out efficient and effective communication methods and address dynamic change of members and resources within ubiquitous P2P networks.  This work uses novel allocation and smart lookup technique to initiate efficient routing based on the global availability of the destination node state. Considering the high cost of failed queries within scalable networks, this will improve network efficiency and reduce latency. (pp. 10-20)

Keywords:Ubiquitous Computing, Scalability; P2P, Overlay Networks, Security, lookup
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