№1, 2024

Tabriz J. Agashov

The article analyzes the current state of mobile communication systems, and highlights development perspectives from the past to the present, vulnerabilities in security systems and application fields. At the same time, it provides information about the possible threats that may occur during an attack on the data entering the network from intelligent devices. For many years, numerous research centers have been conducting intensive research on the direct communication between various devices through mobile communication systems. These studies are realized to manage mobile communication systems and computers, mobile devices and other equipment. Therefore, special attention is paid to the development of mobile communication systems both in Azerbaijan and in the world, and it is considered one of the most promising fields of application of information technologies. The article also provides information about the fifth-generation mobile communication system, which is a new generation of wireless network technology for digital mobile networks. The results of research conducted on the fifth-generation mobile communication system in the world and the technological innovations to be brought to the healthcare and energy fields, agriculture, smart cities, smart villages and transport sectors are reported (pp.86-97).

Keywords:NMRS, UMTS, GPRS, LTE, Mobile Station , 5G, Direct Attack, IoT
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