№1, 2020

Rashid G. Alekberov, Bikes S. Agayev

The article explores the problems of acoustic noise pollution and the ways to solve them. The relevance of solutions to these problems is justified on the basis of the UN "Concept of Sustainable Development" which is devoted to the problems of the future development of the world, as well as environmental issues. The article focuses on the analysis of the potential danger of noise pollution to human health and the environment. A noise classification scheme based on a safety factor is proposed. A brief summary of such concepts as the physical nature of noise, the potential danger (harm) of noise to human health, the normalization of noise indicators and their norms is given. A comparative analysis of the main provisions of the international, regional and national regulations governing the relations connected with the noise. The article also considers the technique for measuring and calculating the noise parameters, noise monitoring, the method for developing the noise maps based on monitoring results. The relevance and necessity of forming the legislative base of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the management of relations on the acoustic noise is substantiated. Brief information is given on the primary results of the monitoring carried out at some sites in Baku. The feasibility of these monitoring using the architectural schemes based on the technology of the Internet of Things is also justified. The article uses scientific methods and methodology of scientific analysis, summarizing results (synthesis) and a systematic approach to the problems and their solution ways on the subject. The research results can be used for the monitoring of the acoustic noise pollution to determine the acoustic discomfort areas, as well as the development of noise maps of the area based on the monitoring results and the implementation of protective measures to reduce noise pollution (pp.26-37).

Keywords:noise pollution, noise diseases, noise protection, noise monitoring, noise maps.
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