№1, 2020

Roza O. Shahverdiyeva

The article is dedicated to the study of some problems of innovative development of the economy. Determination of conceptual perspective directions for improving efficiency of the performance of innovation structures is viewed as the main source of development. The formulation of the problem is clarified by explaining the efficiency of the innovative structures, and the status of the study is provided. The role, importance and performance features of innovation structures in economic development are analyzed. A visual view of the bibliographic information collected by the major publications indexed by Web of Science database on the management of innovation structures is provided through the VOSviewer application software package. An analysis of the current state of Azerbaijan on international innovation and economic indices is conducted. The problems of managing the effectiveness of the performance of innovation structures are identified by examining the features system of monitoring of the innovation status of innovation structures. The methods of effective evaluation of scientific-technical and innovative projects in innovation structures are shown. The perspective directions of improving their information support are proposed. Creating a Government Cloud (G-cloud), provision of cloud services, the feasibility of the application of cloud technology are justified. Proper approaches and models are also proposed to improve product/service manufacturing in innovation structures. Taking into account the recommendations of international economic organizations on forming perspective activity of innovative enterprises, institutional mechanisms of increasing the efficiency of innovative structures in Azerbaijan are studied. The application perspectives of the 4th and 5th Industrial Revolutions in improving the efficiency of innovation structures are shown. Recommendations and suggestions of complex character on increasing the efficency of the performance of innovative enterprises established in this direction are made. The methods and tools of econometric modeling, systematic analysis, correlation and regression analysis were applied to simulate the processes of increasing the efficiency of innovative structures. The proposed approaches and models for improving management processes in innovative structures can also be applied in other similar innovative structures (pp.103-118).

Keywords:innovative structures, science-intensive production, industrial revolutions, innovative technologies, technological sectors.
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