№1, 2020

Konul G. Dashdamirova

At present, the vast majority of the social community is integrated into the Internet, concentrating on online groups and online communities. In this context, there is a need to explore this information environment which is formed in the society as Internet-sociology and the forms of interaction between people during the information exchange. This article explores the subject, features and current state of Internet-sociology. The main research trends in Internet-sociology are studied, and the problems in this field are identified in 3 main levels – personal, group and social. Online research methods are analyzed to address these problems. There is a need to expand the research in the field of Internet sociology in Azerbaijan to make important decisions on the development, protection and solution of existing problems of the information society in accordance with the requirements of the time. This research uses analysis and monitoring methods. Initial studies are important and useful for broader research in the field of Internet-sociology (pp.134-142).

Keywords:Internet-sociology, digital-sociology, social community, virtual society, social network.
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