№2, 2020
Fast integration of Azerbaijan into the global information space makes it possible to consider the pressing issues such as the system of names and surnames and national identity. The article is devoted to the issues of the naming system and national identity. It explores the current naming problems of the citizens in Azerbaijan. In the era of globalization and in the information society environment, solution ways of these problems are considered. Scientific analysis of the names and surnames of the citizens of Azerbaijan, historical traditions in this field, names structure, etc. is implemented. The article reviews the psycholinguistic aspects of the national system of names. It identifies several relevant problems such as improving the system of names and surnames, redefining the standards for name components, eliminating the distortions of names, creating naming related information resources and developing mechanisms for their use, and creating the transliteration standards. Foreign experience in this field is explored. Specific proposals are provided for the solution of these problems (pp.3-11).
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