№2, 2021

Irada Y. Alakbarova

To increase the economic power of the state, ensure information security and eliminate social inequality, the determination, and evaluation of the citizen's role in society are very important. By using innovative information technology in many countries, government agencies and individual companies attempt to evaluate citizens according to trust, reputation, and behavior using personal data. This assessment is called social credit. To achieve success in socio-economic and many other issues, banking systems, insurance companies, government agencies use analytical systems that evaluate the social credit of citizens and companies. The paper investigates and classifies the methods of assessing social credit. In the study, the comparative analysis method has been used and the interaction of the social credit system with the electronic demographic system has been proposed to obtain more accurate results while assessing social credit. The proposed approach can be important for better governance of society, ensuring social protection and satisfaction of citizens in the e-government environment (pp.108-118).

Keywords:social credit, e-demography, e-government, personal data, assessment, demography, big data.
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