Registration number of adoption into publication:

The journal was included in the "List of periodic scientific publications recommended for the publication of main contributions of theses in the Republic of Azerbaijan" by the decision of the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 

Problems of Information Society journal is an open-source, peer-reviewed journal published by  the Information Technology Publishing House of the Institute of Information Technology.

The Journal follows the policy of Open Access. All the articles are located permanently and free of charge at once after the issue’s publication. The access to the full text of the Journal’s scientific articles is presented in the “Archive” part.

The users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author as long as they properly cite biographical information of the articles. 


Main topics are but not limited to:

  • Scientific and theoretical foundations of the information society
  • Problems of formation of an electronic government
  • Theoretical and applied problems of artificial intelligence
  • Mechanisms for providing information security and combating cybercrime
  • Socio-economic and humanitarian problems of the information society
  • Problems of natural language and computer linguistics processing 
Mutaz Mohammed Abuhashish, Leyla Muradkhanli, Mohammad Ali AL Qudah